Trial limitations

JungleMail is distributed as a fully functional time-limited trial version. To request the latest product version, go to our download page. Fill in the form and you will be redirected to a page with a download link. You will also receive the link via email. Don't forget to check your spam folder.

The file you download will be a ZIP archive. In the archive, you will find three separate installation files based on different SharePoint versions. For SharePoint 2010, JungleMail 4 should be installed. For SharePoint Server/Foundation 2013, SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2019, the latest version of JungleMail should be installed.

Please note that you do not need to register the trial version with any trial keys. This excludes cases in which an extension of the trial period is necessary for further testing.

Trial limitations

  • The trial is a fully functional version of JungleMail Pro. See JungleMail version comparison and, if you'd like to try Standard or Enterprise, please contact us.
  • The trial is valid for 30 days from the installation date.
  • When using the trial you will see a message in the JungleMail interface noting that you are using a trial version.

If you buy the product license during or after trial, you will need to activate the trial version. It is not necessary to reinstall the app: all you need to do is enter the license key that we provide.

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