Waterfall mode (Enterprise feature)

Waterfall mode is the overdrive for your newsletter campaigns. Featuring preprocessing of analytical data, multithreading and the use of an SQL server to store email history and tracking information, Waterfall Mode was built to send your newsletters even faster, decrease loading times and offer you an improved JungleMail experience.


This feature is only available in JungleMail Enterprise.


As part of Waterfall mode, multithreading means that multiple threads are being used to send multiple emails in a campaign at the same time. In other words, multithreading gives a boost to your campaign sending speed. Sending a campaign of 6000 emails would now only take half or even a quarter of the time it took before.

To enable the feature

1. Open JungleMail global settings.

2. Scroll down to the Multithreaded Email Sending section and select a number of threads to be used at the same time. We recommend entering the value that you get when multiplying the number of CPU cores of your server by two. For example, if your machine has a quad-core processor you should limit the number of threads to 8. If you go over this number it can decrease sending speed.

SQL Storage

JungleMail Standard and Pro editions use SharePoint lists to store link records and tracking information for every single email sent. This means that, when JungleMail is used frequently, a lot of records will be created in these SharePoint lists. To illustrate: if your campaign was sent to 1000 recipients and contained 5 links, a whopping total of 6000 records will be generated even before any user actions occur (1000 to track email opens and 5000 to track link clicks). This large number amount of records can negatively impact JungleMail and SharePoint performance.

JungleMail Enterprise edition was designed to work around this issue by storing tracking and history records into an SQL database.

To enable the feature

1. Open JungleMail global settings.

2. Scroll down to the SQL Database Storage section. Here you can enable or disable data storage in a SQL database. For detailed instructions, see SQL Storage.

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