Customizing the default template

The default (blank) template is opened when you click the Start from Scratch button or when you navigate to the Content step without selecting any JungleMail template first.

To change the default template

1. Open the JungleMail Email Builder Content Configs list at this address:

{site collection URL of JungleMail}/Lists/JungleMailBuilderContentConfigs

2. Select the only item in the list, then select Items > Edit Item from the ribbon.

3. Scroll down to the Builder Default Content section which displays the JSON value of the default template. To change template properties, edit them directly in the window or copy the section content to another text editor (e.g., Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code), then paste it back to overwrite the original content.

4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.


In the screenshot below, you can see the fragment of the default template code. Here, we're changing the font and color of the default template text (highlighted in yellow).

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