Adding anchors

An anchor is an internal link in the newsletter. It's a useful feature to help recipients navigate across longer newsletters that cover multiple topics.

To add an anchor

1. Open your newsletter template in JungleMail.

2. Select the Text block that you want to use as an anchor, then click on the flag icon in the block editor.

3. In the pop-up window, enter the anchor name and click OK.

4. Click Save to save block settings.

5. Select the Text block in which you want to add the link to your anchor, then place the cursor where you want the link to appear, and click on the link icon.

6. Under  Link Type, select Link to anchor in the text, and under By Anchor Name, select the previously created anchor.

7. Click OK.


Some email clients do not support anchors, so some of your recipients may not be able to use the anchor links within your newsletters.

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