JungleMail 4 | Sending Dynamic Attachments

Note: this tutorial applies to JungleMail 4 and earlier only. If you are working with JungleMail 5 or later, this tutorial does not apply to your version of JungleMail.

In the E-Mail Content step, you can add a file from your computer or you can choose the option Dynamically attach item attachments if the files you want to include are different for every recipient:


  • Avoid sending viruses with attachments.
  • Avoid sending big files.
  • Attachments decrease the speed of sending your campaigns.
  • Attachments decrease deliverability.

There is always the option to let your readers download the file, not from the email but from a different address. In this case,  you could upload the file on your server, or you could use an external file hosting service such as OneDrive and add a link to the download in the email.

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