JungleMail 4 | Adding images
Note: this tutorial applies to JungleMail 4 and earlier only. If you are working with JungleMail 5 or later, this tutorial does not apply to your version of JungleMail.
In order to embed
To embed
Specify URL of the image:
All images located in SharePoint will be embedded
You can also specify URL from the internet:
This way, the
If you want to quickly upload an image to SharePoint, click Send it to the Server button:
This way, the image will appear in the JungleMail Assets library, in a folder corresponding to the current JungleMail Job.
Insert all images to the e-mail body and complete the sending process:
Your e-mail has been received. The first image is embedded in the e-mail body and does not need to be downloaded. The second image is not embedded in the e-mail body and needs to be downloaded from the Internet: